10 Web design terms you may need to know….

Useful Stuff, Website Design

When you are thinking of hiring a web designer or working with a design agency you will come across a number of different terms some of which you might not have heard of before, below are some of the most common ones in use:


This refers to the actual website code that makes the user see what they see in the browser window when they look at the webpage. In addition it can also refer to the area in the back of a CMS (see below) where you an make your chnages to the site. Double meanings all over the place 🙂


Content Management System allows you as an editor or client to alter the contents of a website. You don’t need to know code to make the changes just a good working knowledge of IT is enough. Lots of websites these days run on a CMS and most designers will offer you this as an option.


Short for Cascading Style Sheet this is a file thats contains all the information which makes a website look “fancy”. No CSS = boring site


Basically the address of your website e.g. www.hehawebdesign.co.uk. Your website won’t work without one


File Transfer Protocol a method for transferring files around the net. Specifically for website design its a way of getting files from your machine to your website hosts machine


This describes a word that is used to search for information on the net. Your website will need these to enable your site to be found when people look for things on the net e.g. to find this site you kight have used: website design; web designer etc. These can be imporved by using SEO techniques (see below)


This describes what happens to a webpage when it is viewed on different sized screens. If your page / site adapts itself to the screen size then it is described as responsive. It should be as this will help your SEO (see below)


This stands for Search Engine Optimization. The method whereby your website is altered to improve where it appears in the results when someone does a search. Improving your keywords (see above)


Uniform Resource Locator is simply your website address. Some say the difference between this and your domain is the http:// at the beginning. For example https://www.hehawebdesign.co.uk